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Just Tell us What to Do!

Writer's picture: Mark BentsenMark Bentsen

Linda and her family have a new house and they know what they want in their landscape, they just need help figuring out how to arrange it. So we talked and here are some plants that will help them get the landscape they want.

-one of the most dependable plants you can use for a hedge is Dwarf Burford Holly.

-A great perennial that needs little water and likes full sun is Lamb's Ear.

-Emerald Goddess Liriope is a little bigger than Big Blue. Try it, you'll like it.

-A low growing rose that blooms all the time is Drift Rose. There are at least 5 different colors. This one is Peach.

-Frances Purple Oxalis is great in the shade.

-Gregg's Mistflower attracts more butterflies that you can imagine.

-Tutti Fruiti Butterfly Bush does this all summer.

-Mystic Spires blooms so much I have trouble admiring my other plants.

-Purple Skullcap is not too common but when you see it you'll love it.

-Red Star Salvia greggii is on fire!

-Pink Pavonia or Rock Rose blooms all the time.

-White Datura is really cool. It doesn't know when to quit

-Summer blooms on Firebush. if humers could vote they'd vote this plant Best tasting nectar.

-Bicolor Iris blooms like this all summer if it's in full sun.

-Bridal Wreath really puts on a show in the spring.

-Most Esperanza have yellow flowers except for this one. Bells of Fire.

-Sunshine Ligustrum has yellow leaves but you have to keep it sheared or it will get tall.

-Micron Dwarf Yaupon's foliage is so tight it's the best.

-There are a lot of Oleanders that bloom all summer. This one is Petite Pink.

-This is Dynamite Crapemyrtle. Bright red and only gets about 15' tall.

-Primrose Jasmine has a cascading growth habit and is covered up with yellow blooms in the spring.

-Society Garlic blooms like this all the time when it's not winter.

-Goldsturm Daisy is a Blacked Susan that gets better every year.

-Whirling Butterflies is so cool. You can find it with white or pink flowers.

-Purple Trailing Lantana usually blooms up to Christmas.

-Rising Sun Redbud really stands out

-Chocolate Chip Ajuga is very compact for a very tight spot.

That's all I have today. Let's me know what you think. My contact info is on the previous page.

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