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It all started with the freeze

Writer's picture: Mark BentsenMark Bentsen

The freeze did a job on Jean's yard. It's slowly coming back, but while we're waiting, it's a good time to spruce it up a little. Not huge changes but she wants to make sure she's getting the right plants for the right place. And her yard is typical of of San Antonio. They have lots of trees and of course a good number of deer. So here are some of the plants that will work

To start with, she lost a few big plants that screened an she needs to replace them with plants that will grow fast. Here are three choices.

-Xylosma is usually an will did for a few years, but it's what froze during the maybe not again.

-Cherry Laurel is also a good choice.

-Waxleaf Ligustrum is what people used for about a hundred years. It will work, but some people don't like the way the blooms smell in the spring.

Now for some flowering plants

-Sparklette Esperanza has yellow blooms all summer and they flowers have red streaks in the throat. And it will stay pretty short..maybe 3' or 4' max.

-Gold Star Esperanza is the most common Esperanza. It will get about 6 tall if you let it. And remember...when the flowers fade and it starts putting on seed pods, cut them off!!! And maybe it will bloom again.

-Rock Rose- around these parts we also called Pink Pavonia. It'll take a little shade and bloom most of the summer.

Along the front of the bed where it's pretty sunny, plant some Lantana. Here are three of my favorites.

-This is a native Lantana- this one's in my neighbors yard...not sure what it called, but boy it's pretty.

-Then there's Purple Trailing. it's low growing and will bloom up to Christmas.

-And, of course, there's Dallas Red. And deer don't eat Lantana.

-Turk's Cap is native to Texas...hummers love it.

-You can find Autumn Sage that blooms red, coral, pink, hot pink, white, and my favorite Purple (and even more colors than this).

-And Zexmenia. Lots of blooms in the summer...and butterflies love it.

And to wind things up

- here we have Jerusalem Sage-this guy get bigger every year, and blooms in early summer. It's an awesome plant.

-Pink Skullcap blooms on and off all summer. There is also a variety that blooms purple.

-And Hypericum likes a little shade and keep it on the dry side. And it like our soil.

-for partial shade Texas Betony will work.

-as will Purple Heart Wandering Jew.

-and in bright shade Blue Plumbago works pretty darn good.

That's it folks! Send me a note if I can help you in any way.

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