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I Want a Porch

Writer's picture: Mark BentsenMark Bentsen

Amy's yard is small but she wants to make some changes so she can enjoy it more than she does now. Maybe she needs a porch...or a screened in porch. And spruce up the landscaping, that might help make the yard a little cozier. Here are a few plants that might help

-Yew Podocarpus does great in partial sun. It's easy to keep 5' tall and 2' wide.

-Giant Liriope is a great accent plant for sun or shade and it never needs to be sheared.

-Dwarf Burford Holly has dark, shiny leaves and is very hardy. Birds love the red berries in the winter.

Giant Leopard Plant loves the shade and actually blooms in the winter.

-Gold Dust Aucuba has big leaves with yellow specs on them. They will get about 4' tall and 3' wide in 5-6 years.

-Milky Way Aspidistra a cousin to the old Cast Iron Plant, but it's a little smaller with white specs on the leaves. It will get about 18" tall and they love the shade too.

-Mystic Spires Salvia blooms from spring to winter. It gets about 3' tall.

-Variegated Flax Lily will has long variegated leaves and get about 2' tall.

-Orange Bulbine loves the full sun and the heat. Orangish yellow flowers all the time.

-Want a low growing rose that blooms all the time? Try Drift Roses. There are a lot of colors. Here's the Red Drift.

-Esperanza is a summertime favorite here in Central Texas. I think this variety is called Sparklette.

-And everyone loves Plumbago. Here's it is, but this is the variety with white flowers.

Coral Bells Huerchera- now here is a great perennial that is available in many different leaf colors and bloom colors. Above are 3 different ones. Go to your local garden center and see what your choices are.

-Variegated Ginger is great in a shady spot.

-Orange Shrimp Plant blooms all summer and hummers love it too

-Now if you are thinking about a screened in porch, just remember- it doesn't have to be huge. This one is 16' by 8' and the owners love it....and mosquitoes can't get in.

That's it for now.

Thanks for stopping by.

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