John's yard looks nice. The grass is healthy and well kept. The only thing wrong is that it has very little landscaping, and what there is he doesn't like. He's not sure what to do. So I gave him some ideas...using these plants.
-One of the showiest perennials is Pride of Barbados. It starts blooming in June and continues until mid fall.
-Goldsturm Daisy gets better every year. It blooms from late May until end of summer.
-When it comes to Lantana, there almost no end to your choices. If they quit blooming, fertilize them.
-Mexican Bush Sage can get really big. It blooms late summer and fall.
-Pink Skullcap will pop flowers all summer.
-Jerusalem Sage gets bigger every year with twice as many flowers as the year before.
-Lemon Ball Sedum is very drought resistant.
-Gregg's Mist Flower attracts butterflies better than almost any other plant.
-When White Datura blooms it amazes me how many flowers it has.
-Orange Bulbine blooms non-stop.
-Four Nerve Daisy is rumored to bloom 12 months of the year.
-Pink Pavonia is a Hill Country native that blooms spring to summer.
-There are quite a few varieties of Esperanza. I not sure which variety this is, but like it.
-Salvia greggii is also known as Autumn Sage because it blooms a lot then. But it blooms in spring and summer too.
-Bicolor Iris will bloom non-stop if it's in full sun.
-Drift Roses are low growing shrub roses. There are quite a few different colors to choose from This is Red (you could have figured that out I know).
-Mexican Feather Grass sways in the breeze.
-Muhly Grass is a native that stays short too.
-Blue Plumbago blooms most of the growing season.
-Whale's Tongue is an Agave that stays pretty small.
-Yucca Rostrata gets better every year.
-Bush Germander stays short and will have small blue flowers in the early spring.
-Brakelight Yucca puts up dark red flower stalks in late spring.
-Wooly Stemodia only gets about 4" tall and is evergreen.
-Silver Ponyfoot will get about 2" tall and might freeze back in the winter, but will return in the spring.
Thanks for visiting. Let me know if you have any questions.