Milton wants the landscape at his rent house to be simple, low maintenance and bullet proof. Here are some plants that will fill that bill.
-Kaleidoscope Abelia is colorful and needs almost no care once it's planted.
-Giant Liriope or Emerald Goddess is mostly carefree once it's established.
-Gulf Stream Nandina and Obsession Nandina are colorful and never have a problem.
-Silver Ponyfoot is a great ground cover and the silver foliage sets it apart from most other ground covers.
-Bicolor Iris will bloom most of the summer months.
-Vintage Jade Distylium is a no-brainer. Stays small and can handle sun or shade.
-Variegated Flax Lily does well in sun or shade
-Green Pittosporum fits the bill too.
-Cast Iron Plant takes deep or medium shade.
-Rose Creek Abelia will stay short and blooms in the summer.
-Carissa Holly also stays compact in sun or shade.
-Pink Abelia is easy to keep 4'-5' tall and it has small, pink flowers in the summer.
-Sago Palms will add a tropical fell to the landscape and they are just about as easy as it gets.
-Micron Dwarf Yaupon Holly won't get bigger than your knee for about 5 years.
-the foliage on most Loropetalum is burgundy. There are quite a few varieties now, so read the info on the tag so you get the one you need. Burgundy Blast and Cherry Blast are my favorites.
That's it for now. Let me know if you have any questions.